A great new initiative in making master drawings accessible on the web is the Progetto Corsini, an interesting operation lead by Giulia Fusconi and Angiola Canevari. In this project, sheets from the Tommaso Corsini collection are being photographed and edited. This happens more often, but the Progetto Corsini has a different purpose. The objective of the program is to reconstruct the original configuration of the volumes in which the drawings were kept until 1895. The collection consists of 52 volumes counting 6.400 drawings in total. Among them are Florentine and Roman drawings from the 15th to the 17th century. In the past the drawings were taken out of the volumes and put in boxes leaving behind marks and notes on the pages that had been added through the ages.
Now the drawings are virtually put back on their original pages in their former volume, showing all historical notes and added information. Also the original sequence of the collection is recreated. In February this year the Progetto Corsini finished the first phase of it’s digitizing project completing three volumes. These are now visible on their website. Starting with an image of the 52 volumes seen on the back, the visitor is lead through the history of the collection and instructed how to use the different functions. Three of these volumes are yet ready to be browsed. With their high resolution images all pages can be magnified showing the important notes and marks. The application shows a column with data about; the artist, the subject, the materials used and the dimensions. The digitizing of the pages reduces wear in the future and creates the possibility to make a facsimile version of the volumes for frequent use in their visitor’s center. The Fondo Corsini is part of the Accademia Dei Lincei residing in the Palazzo Corsini in Rome.
www.grafica.arti.beniculturali.it and see progetto corsini
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